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Lat Yip 葉浪 (葉濟全)


葉浪 (Lat Yip),一九五八年生於越南西貢,祖籍中國廣東紫金縣(客家)。自幼喜好繪畫,七十年代末逃離越南,在馬來西亞難民中心渡過了三年時光。後經聯合國難民署及加拿大政府的幫助,一九八一年移民多倫多,並進入"喬治布朗"學院主修廣告設計課程。二十年來,不斷從事廣告設計和美術創作,筆下作品多以現實題材為主,充滿生存渴望和對新生活的熱愛。

Lat Yip is Chinese (Hakka) and was born in 1958 in Saigon. In the 1970s,  he left Vietnam in a small boat for a refugee camp in the neighbouring country of Malaysia.  With the help of UNHCR and Government of Canada, Lat Yip immigrated to Canada, settling in Toronto in 1981. There, he was admitted to George Brown College where he majored in Graphic Design, which allowed him to focus on his arts skills he has been developing since early childhood. Experiencing and treasuring a real life is a principal theme of his paintings and design arts.

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